Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Home’s Windows: A Comprehensive Checklist
However, there will come a time when you need to replace one or all of your windows. After all, they constantly work to provide the perfect seal and make your home stay comfortable year-round. Centennial Home Improvement knows when it’s time for homeowners to replace their windows, but now it’s time to dispense that knowledge with you!
What to Look Out for With Old Windows
Old windows will find a way to let you know that they need replacement. You’ll likely know when to invest in new windows, whether it’s drafts, cracked or broken panes, or deteriorating weatherstripping.
Still, for the uneducated, let’s break down the top five signs that it’s time to replace your windows.
1. Drafty or Leaky Windows
If you’re feeling the outside air around your windows, you may have a window that needs replacing. This is one of the significant tell-tale signs that your windows are failing.
Drafty windows mean the seal around your window is no longer working correctly. You can attempt to repair it by checking the caulking around the window, but this is merely a bandage approach to a long-term problem.
Moisture build-up between the panes of glass is another sign of failed sealing. Be on the lookout for it!
2. Higher Energy Bills
Have you opened your power bill recently and nearly come out of your shoes with shock at the cost increase? This is another sign of failing windows.
In recent years, windows have become one of the best ways to lower energy costs in your home. New glass manufacturing techniques and better insulation technology have led the way in increasing window energy efficiency.
Your energy bills are higher because the conditioned air in your home is likely escaping from the poorly sealed windows. As a result, your HVAC unit must work harder to maintain a consistent temperature.
3. Problems with Opening or Closing
There’s a joke these days about owning a home that was once a “renter’s special,” meaning corners were cut in things like painting or routine maintenance. As a result, many homes are out there with windows that have been painted shut.
Still, old windows can also have difficulty opening after years of prolonged use. The mechanics inside the windows can decay over time, leading to problems trying to open or close your windows.
4. Visible Damage or Decay
Do not ignore a window with a broken pane or trim that is deteriorating. It might be funny to think about how your kid broke the window, but that window is costing you money.
Also, window rot is a sure sign that your windows have been penetrated by water damage. These are problems that need immediate solutions.
5. Outdated Appearance
It might be easy to ignore windows that are about 20 or 30 years out of date. If you have an older home, you may chalk that up to keeping your home’s unique charm. Still, outdated windows can make your home stand out in a bad way if it is surrounded by others who have decided to make the leap into the 21st century.
Still, it’s possible to invest in new windows that can keep your home’s character without losing too much.
Rely on Centennial for New Windows
If it’s time to browse for new windows, Centennial Home Improvement is ready to help you along the journey. With our window experts and your vision, you’ll replace your windows with ones that will save you money and look cool in the process. Contact us today to get started!